
For the most up-to-date list of publications, please see Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

Publications prior to July 2020 are published under Justine L. Atkins


Walker, R.H., Hutchinson, M.C., Becker, J.A., Daskin, J.H., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., Gonçalves, D.D., Stalmans, M.E., Denlinger, J., Bouley, P., Angela, M., Paulo, A., Potter, A.B., Arumoogum, N., Parrini, F., Marshal, J.P., Pringle, R.M., Long, R.A. 2023. Trait-based sensitivity of large mammals to a catastrophic tropical cyclone. Nature.

Barrile, G.M., Bernard, R.F., Wilcox, R.C., Becker, J.A., Dillon, M.E., Thomas-Kuzilik, R.R., Bombaci, S.P., Merkle, B.G. 2023. Equity, community, and accountability: Leveraging a department-level climate survey as a tool for action. PLoS ONE.


Walker, R.H., Hutchinson, M.C., Potter, A.B., Becker, J.A., Long, R.A., Pringle, R.M. 2022. Mechanisms of individual variation in large herbivore diets: roles of spatial heterogeneity and state-dependent foraging. Ecology.

Daskin, J.H.*, Becker, J.A.*, Kartzinel, T.R., Potter, A.B., Walker, R.H., Eriksson, F.AA., Buoncore, C., Getraer, A., Long, R.A., Pringle, R.M. 2022. Allometry of behavior and niche differentiation among congeneric African antelopes. Ecological Monographs.

Palmer, M.S., Gaynor, K.M., Becker, J.A., Abraham, J.O., Mumma, M.A., Pringle, R.M. 2022. Dynamic landscapes of fear: understanding spatiotemporal risk. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Gelzer, E.R., Laforge, M.P., Becker, J.A., Hough, N.P., Sandoval Lambert, M., Poulin, M-P., Thomas-Kuzilik, R., Verzuh, T.L., Krausman, P.R., Merkle J.A. 2022. Factors influencing early citations of peer-reviewed publications. Journal of Wildlife Management.

*authors contributed equally


Becker, J.A.*, Hutchinson, M.C.*, Potter, A.B., Park, S., Guyton, J.A., Abernathy, K., Americo, V., da Conceiçāo, A.G., Kartzinel, T.R., Kuziel, L., Leonard, N.E., Lorenzi, E., Martins, N.C., Pansu, J., Scott, W.L., Stahl, M.K., Torrens, K.R., Stalmans, M.E., Long, R.A., Pringle, R.M. 2021. Ecological and behavioral mechanisms of density-dependent habitat expansion in a recovering African ungulate population. Ecological Monographs.

*authors contributed equally


Smith, J.A.*, Suraci, J.P. *, Hunter, J.S., Gaynor, K.M.**, Keller, C.**, Palmer, M.S.**, Atkins, J.L., Castañeda, I., Cherry, M.J., Garvey, P.M., Huebner, S., Morin, D.J., Teckentrup, L., Weterings, M.J.A., and Beaudrot, L. 2020. Zooming in on mechanistic predator-prey ecology: integrating camera traps with experimental methods to reveal the drivers of ecological interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology.

*authors contributed equally; **authors contributed equally.


Atkins, J.L., Long, R.A., Pansu, J., Daskin, J.H., Potter, A.P., Stalmans, M.E., Tarnita, C.E., Pringle, R.M. 2019. Cascading impacts of large-carnivore extirpation in an African ecosystem. Science.

Pansu, J., Guyton, J.A., Potter, A.B., Atkins, J.L., Daskin, J.H., Wursten, B., Kartzinel, T., Pringle, R.M. 2019. Trophic ecology of large herbivores in a reassembling African ecosystem. Journal of Ecology.

Atkins, J.L., Perry, G.W., Dennis, T.E. 2019. Effects of mismatches between dispersal traits and landscape structure on dispersal success in fragmented landscapes. Royal Society Open Science.


Lee, F., Zhang, J., Simpkins, C.E., Becker, J.A., Perry, G.L.W. Chapter 5: Spatially structured ecosystems, connectivity, and movement. In Francis, R.A., Millington, J.D.A., Perry, G.L.W., Minor, E.S. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology (1st ed.). Routledge. In press.